Prophetic leadership is a model of leadership which is primarily based on the Holy Quran and the exemplary of the Prophets’ characteristics. Prophetic leadership has been theoretically and practically proven to improve the quality of leadership in organizations. However, despite its importance, there have been relatively small amount of research discussing the patterns in prophetic leadership publications. Therefore, this thematic review aims to explore the pattern of the publications from 2010 till 2021 that discussed on prophetic leadership in Muslim-owned or Islamic organizations. Three databases including Dimensions, Microsoft Academics, and Google Scholar were searched under the keywords prophetic leadership and Islam. The findings from the code-to-document analysis using Atlas.ti8 found the patterns of publications which were grouped into six main themes namely 1) impact; 2) application; 3) internalization; 4) supporting or inhibiting factor; 5) model; and 6) role of leader. This study offered several significant contributions for practical purposes, for the body of knowledge, and for recommendations of future studies on prophetic leadership.
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In-Text Citation: (Rahman et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Rahman, S. S. A., Senik, Z. C., Hassan, W. Z. W., Yaacob, S. E., & Zakaria, Z. (2022). A Thematic Review on Prophetic Leadership: Analysis of Publication Patterns from 2010 Till 2021. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(3), 350–368.
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