Writing skill is one of the fundamental skills yet most of the students seemed to be lacking in writing due to their low socio-economic background especially in the rural schools. To tackle this problem, the use of wh-questions is significant as it serves the purpose of providing effective learning experience for the rural students whereby limited learning facilities are available. Hence, this quasi-experimental study intends to investigate the effects of using wh-questions in constructing sentences for narrative writing among rural Primary Year 6 students and their perceptions about how wh-questions helps them in their writing. The sample consists of 6 students of Year 6 in a rural school in Pahang, Malaysia. A set of pre-test and post-test were used as the main findings. A semi-structured interview was also implemented in order to explore the perceptions towards the use of wh-questions. The results indicated that the use of wh-questions helped the students to write more sentences and also allowed them to write more variety of sentences which include simple, compound and complex sentences. Apart from that, the use of wh-questions also helped the students to increase their writing scores. Generally, wh-questions were positively accepted and the findings showed that wh-questions was perceived to provide fun and active learning, increasing motivation in producing better quality of narrative writing and also providing effective learning tool. This paper can be used by future researchers as it is recommended in exploring the effectiveness of this teaching and learning tool in enhancing students’ writing ability.
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In-Text Citation: (Khalid & Yamat, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Khalid, N. M., & Yamat, H. (2022). Constructing Sentences for Narrative Writing Using Wh-Questions among Rural Primary Year 6 Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(3), 176–191.
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