International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Improving the English Writing Mechanics: A Study on Tenth-Grade Libyan Students in Malaysia Using the Dictogloss Technique

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Writing mechanics are vital for gaining English language proficiency; however, certain students have faced difficulties with multiple domains, including spelling, punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure, particularly tenth-grade Libyan students in Malaysia. In this context, the dictogloss technique efficiently improves the English writing mechanics through a collaborative language-learning approach, involving students in recreating a sentence after listening, thus fostering active involvement and creative thinking. This article aims to evaluate the impact of writing mechanics on Libyan tenth-grade students' English Foreign Language (EFL) proficiency utilizing the dictogloss technique, applying a quantitative quasi-experimental design, and an independent t-test analysed through descriptive statistics using SPSS software version 25. This article utilized pre-test and post-test structures to collect data from 43 Libyan students across 5 Libyan secondary schools in Malaysia, divided into an experimental group that received writing instruction through the dictogloss technique over 8 sessions. In contrast, the control group adhered to the conventional grammar translation method. The result of dictogloss technique showed a significant improvement in the writing mechanics of the experimental group compared to the control group. The experimental and control groups had poor writing mechanics before the intervention, but the experimental group showed considerable improvement in punctuation and other mechanic domains after the intervention. This study helps academics find new ways to teach writing in international and diverse national settings to increase English language acquisition and academic success.
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