The purpose of this research is to look at the relationship among burnout, organisational commitment (OC), and job satisfaction (JS) in the Akademi Latihan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia (ALPHA), Bangi. The Social Exchange Theory underpins the theoretical concept (SET). Burnout, organisational commitment (OC), and job satisfaction all have a significant correlation. A Google form was used to produce and disseminate the online questionnaire. In all, 159 participants took part in the survey. The SPSS 26 was used in this work to establish the validity and reliability of the measurement model as well as to assess the correlations. This study's findings also give additional information to academics and the Malaysian government, allowing them to better understand the consequences of burnouts, organisational commitment, and job satisfaction. The study contributes to knowledge on the relevance of burnout, organisational commitment, and job satisfaction by giving empirical support for the theoretical connection hypotheses in the research framework. The study is only focused on (ALPHA), Bangi.
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In-Text Citation: (Thani et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Thani, A. K. A., Zainuddin, N. N. M. Z. N., & Thani, A. I. A. (2022). Job Satisfaction as Mediating Effect In Relationship Between Burnouts And Organizational Commitment During Covid-19 Pandemic In Akademi Latihan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia, Bangi. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(4), 1475– 1482.
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