International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Guilt Induced Message Elaboration and Effect on Attitude towards Value Adoption: An ANCOVA Approach

Open access

Rajat Subhra Chatterjee, Sharifah Azizah Haron, Syuhaily Osman, Afida Mastura Binti Muhammad Arif

Pages 1735-1771 Received: 18 Mar, 2022 Revised: 23 Apr, 2022 Published Online: 20 May, 2022
Engagement in Voluntary Simplicity behaviour can be strongly attributed to contributing towards environmental protection through consumption reduction. The attitudinal inclination towards adopting VS values has mostly been observed on the degree of awareness and current behaviour of individuals. However similar to sustainability practices, VS adoption can also be instigated through external influences. In the present study, a pioneer effort is being undertaken to observe the degree of persuasive intent that can be created through the intervention of anticipatory guilt, argument quality, and source credibility manipulation. The sample was drawn from the Malaysian youth population using the multi-stage cluster sampling method. The result of ANCOVA analysis shows significant direct effects on each of the VS values namely material simplicity, social responsibility, self-sufficiency, and spiritual growth. We also found strong interaction effects of anticipatory guilt and argument quality at high and low intervention levels towards youth attitude.
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In-Text Citation: (Chatterjee et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Chatterjee, R. S., Haron, S. A., Osman, S., & Arif, A. M. B. M. (2022). Guilt Induced Message Elaboration and Effect on Attitude towards Value Adoption: An ANCOVA Approach. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(5), 1735– 1771.