The objective of this study was to investigate how fresh graduates use negotiation of meanings in job interviews. There were 45 took part in the research. The data were collected from a real setting in one of the organizations in the Klang Valley, Malaysia. The job interview data were recorded and analyzed qualitatively by using Long’s (1980) negotiation of meanings. The successful interviewees attempted two strategies. They attempted to modify and requested to repeat which were more proactive. The reserved interviewees attempted two strategies namely attempts to rephrase and elaborate their speeches when they were failed to attempt in answering the question in an acceptable manner. The unsuccessful interviewees failed to communicate clearly, to understand the interviewer, and consistently failed to provide correct responses. The present study suggests that in the course module or training module, negotiation of meanings (Long 1980) could be integrated as there is need to attain a certain threshold of proficiency.
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In-Text Citation: (Krishnan et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Krishnan, I. A., Ismail, L., V.Veerappan, R., Sidhu, R. S., Ramakarsinin, G. G., & Narayanan, E. (2022). Negotiation of Meanings in Job Interviews amongst Fresh Graduates in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(5), 944– 961.
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