International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Fear of Oral Presentation: Trait or State Anxiety?

Open access

Norhafizah Amir, Noor Hanim Rahmat, Mok Soon Sim, Ira Syaqira Sukimin, Siti Fatimah Mohamad Radzi, Fatimah Azzahra Md Raus

Pages 696-707 Received: 09 Mar, 2022 Revised: 15 Apr, 2022 Published Online: 06 May, 2022
Communication helps people understand one another and helps to remove misunderstandings. Communication bridges the gap between people to transfer information. Communication can be formal or informal. An oral presentation is one form of communication that people do to get their message across. Some are natural-born speakers, while others need help to become better at communication. There are many reasons why people fear public speaking. Some presenters have low self-esteem and feel that their lack of grammar skills will get in the way. Some are apprehensive about presenting in front of an audience because they feel adequate in terms of knowledge. They are afraid that their message will not get conveyed or they will get misunderstood. While these types of fear can be true, some manage to overcome the fear, while some remain apprehensive. This quantitative research is done to investigate the prevalence of oral presentation among learners of English as a second language. The instrument used is a survey. 56 respondents were purposively chosen to answer the survey. The survey has three main sections. Section A has items on the demographic profile. Section B has eight items on External factors and Section C includes seven items on internal factors. Findings in this study show that presenters feared oral presentations from internal and external factors. Generally, speakers’ feeling of inadequacy has added to their fear of oral presentation. Findings have interesting pedagogical implications for the teaching and learning of oral presentations.
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In-Text Citation: (Amir et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Amir, N., Rahmat, N. H., Sim, M. S., Sukimin, I. S., Radzi, S. F. M., & Raus, F. A. M. (2022). Fear of Oral Presentation: Trait or State Anxiety? International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(5), 696– 707.