International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Conceptual Framework on the Adoption of Online Media for Fatwa Information among Malaysian Muslims

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Online media is one of the best platforms for disseminating information to the public quickly and effectively. Despite many initiatives taken by the Fatwa Institution to enhance the dissemination and explanation of Fatwa, including using online media, it is undeniable that the level of fatwa acceptance among Malaysian Muslims is still low. Thus, this study aims to discuss the plausible factors that influence the adoption of online media as a platform for fatwa information among Malaysian Muslims. A conceptual framework of UTAUT2 behavioural factors with three additional factors: the Fatwa awareness, Maq??id al-Shar?'ah and religiosity is proposed. This article contributes to the body of knowledge and practice by offering insights into the factors that may influence the adoption of online media as a platform for fatwa information. That can assist the Fatwa Institutions in enhancing the efficiency of Fatwa’s dissemination and explanation in a more quality and successful way for Fatwa to be accepted by the community.
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In-Text Citation: (Rosidi et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Rosidi, M. H., Mokhtar, A. W. Bin, & Majid, M. N. B. A. (2022). Conceptual Framework on the Adoption of Online Media for Fatwa Information among Malaysian Muslims. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(5), 503–515.