International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Influence of Technological Progress on E-Learning Management Systems

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The advent of technology has revolutionized various sectors, including education. Among these technological advancements, E-Learning Management Systems (LMS) have significantly transformed the way education is delivered and consumed. These systems provide platforms for delivering, tracking, and managing educational courses and training programs, Executive education programs, entire learning journey, making education more accessible, flexible, and effective. The comparison and evaluation of LMSs have gained the attention of a large audience due to their universality. Many factors govern the selection of the most appropriate LMS for delivery ranging from simplicity to scalability, robustness, and cost. Furthermore, on the web, access to e-learning content and learning material of excellent quality for education has become extremely common in distance education. LMS is, in fact, a powerful educational organization tool that incorporates individual education requirements and increases teaching strategies. Also, the utilization of LMS guarantees an environment where learning content and overviews of educational development can be created, sorted, packaged, stored, and reused. The dramatically improved activities, learning materials, imparting of instruction, and assessment changes within e-learning are all made possible by the LMS system. The domain of education has faced rapid developments and advancements with the inception and steady evolution of E-learning practices. As technological enhancements have become more widespread, and more sophisticated E-Learning Management Systems (LMS) are implemented in modern pedagogy, E-learning has become universally popular and is currently growing rapidly in almost all fields.
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