This study investigates the impact of teachers' instructional strategies on students' learning satisfaction in vocational education, with a particular focus on the mediating role of communication styles. Utilizing a systematic literature review methodology, the research synthesizes findings from a broad range of peer-reviewed sources to identify key trends and insights. The results indicate that both direct instructional methods, such as explicit teaching, and indirect methods, promoting critical thinking and independent learning, significantly influence students' satisfaction. Additionally, the study highlights the pivotal role of communication styles in mediating this relationship. Assertive communication, characterized by clarity and respect, is found to enhance student engagement and satisfaction, whereas aggressive, passive, and manipulative communication styles are linked to negative educational experiences. The findings underscore the importance of vocational educators adopting a balanced mix of instructional strategies and developing effective communication skills to create a supportive learning environment. These insights can inform teaching practices in vocational institutions, ultimately improving educational outcomes and preparing students for successful careers. Future research should further explore these dynamics in various educational contexts to optimize teaching practices in vocational settings.
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