Objective- This study aims to examine the influence of retail service quality, loyalty programs, and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty at Houseware . Houseware offers a variety of household goods and strives to provide a satisfying shopping experience for its customers. Methodology Used- This research uses a quantitative approach, utilizing surveys to collect data from Houseware customers through online and offline questionnaires distributed to respondents meeting specific criteria: those who have shopped at Houseware and those who are members of the Houseware loyalty program. The questionnaires were distributed via Google Forms and in-store, with a data collection period of less than one week. A total of 165 completed questionnaires were analyzed, identifying respondent characteristics based on their shopping experiences and membership in the Houseware loyalty program. Respondents who did not meet the criteria were excluded from this study. The data were analyzed using statistical methods to determine the relationships between retail service quality, loyalty programs, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. Findings- The results show that retail service quality, loyalty programs, and customer satisfaction significantly and positively influence customer loyalty. Retail service quality is an important factor, as customers who experience high-quality service are more likely to remain loyal. Customer satisfaction is also significantly affected by retail service quality, with factors such as modern equipment, a clean and attractive store, and knowledgeable staff contributing to higher satisfaction levels. Additionally, loyalty programs significantly impact customer satisfaction and customer loyalty by offering incentives that increase perceived value and encourage repeat purchases. The study also found that higher customer satisfaction leads to stronger customer loyalty, as satisfied customers are more likely to return and recommend Houseware to others. Further Research- Based on the study results, future research should aim to expand the sample to include different types of retail stores, competitors, and customer demographics to test the findings in various contexts. It is also recommended to use qualitative methods like interviews to better understand customer experiences and what they value in loyalty programs and service quality. Future studies could explore other factors like price, location, and promotions that might affect customer loyalty. Additionally, new variables and different types of businesses could be studied. Comparing different loyalty programs and service quality in Indonesia and increasing the sample size would also improve the accuracy and representativeness of future findings
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