International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Concept of Necessity (Darurah) in Islamic Law and its Application in the Use of Blood Plasma in Medicine

Open access
The use of blood plasma in life-saving medical treatments presents a significant ethical and religious challenge for Muslim patients due to the prohibition of impure substances in Islamic law. The concept of ?ar?rah (necessity) offers a potential solution by permitting exceptions in extreme circumstances such as when no permissible alternatives exist to treat live-threatening conditions. Given the increasing reliance in blood plasma in modern medicine, this study explores the importance of understanding how Islamic law accommodates such as advancements. This paper employs a library research methodology, analyzing classical Islamic legal texts, contemporary fatwas and scholarly writings. The study conducts a comparative examination of classical and contemporary views in the permissibility of utilizing blood plasma derived from both human and animal sources focusing on how scholars apply the principle of ?ar?rah in medical contexts. The study highlights that contemporary scholars prioritize the preservation of human life, aligning with the broader Islamic legal principle of preventing harm in exceptional circumstances. Further studies are recommended to explore the application of Islamic legal principles to other emerging medical technologies, such as biotechnology and genetic engineering. Additionally, there is a need for continuous dialogue among Islamic shcolars to address evolving medical challenges while ensuring compliance with Islamic ethical standards, fostering the development of fatwas that are to the needs of modern medicine.
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