The knowledge related to the consonants of the Quran is an important thing that Muslims need to learn. This knowledge enhances their knowledge and helps Muslims correct the Quran's recitation correctly and accurately. The Muslim community who practices this knowledge can identify and distinguish the pronunciation of the letters of the Quran which are like each other, such as the letters Qaf and Kaf. This is because the mispronunciation of the letters of the Quran makes the meaning of the verses of the Quran distorted and does not comply with the requirements of Allah SWT. The issue of weakness in the pronunciation of Quranic letters among the Muslim community is seen as continuing to this day. The researchers conducting preliminary surveys in the centers of Quranic studies found that most of the Quran students at the school failed to correct the pronunciation of the letters of the Quran. Therefore, this study aims to examine and expose the consonants of the Quran letters found in Surah al-Baqarah, verses 1-5 as a further effort towards refining the debate on the consonants of letters in the Quran and so on will be extended to surahs or other verses of the Quran to include 30 juzs of the Quran. The researchers used content analysis and library research methods to identify the characteristics of Arabic letters in the Quran. The results of the study found that there are 12 consonants of the Quran which are Istifal, Hams, Isti'la', Inhiraf, Takrir, Bainiyyah, Rakhawah, Ghunnah, Lin, Safir, Itbaq, and Qalqalah in Surah al-Baqarah, verses 1-5. It is hoped that the disclosure of data related to the characteristics of Arabic letters in the Quran will help Muslims correct the pronunciation of the letters of the Quran by the recommendations and teachings of the Prophet PBUH.
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