International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


E-wallet Adoption, Innovative Behaviour and Technology Readiness in Jordan: The Mediating Effect of Customer Awareness

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The objective of this paper is to recognize all different aspects of E-wallet, increase customer awareness and increase E-wallet adoption in Jordon. This study identifies how people in Jordan react to technological changes and how they deal with them. This study analyzes the personal impact of technical aspects for welcoming a new mode of transaction. Methodology: This study has employed a quantitative research method using a descriptive research design. The targeted population for the present study was 660,000 users of orange money in Jordan in 2020. A sample of 370 orange money user was selected based on probability simple random sampling technique. A self-administrated survey questionnaire was designed to adapt and adopt theories from previous studies. A questionnaire was used as a research instrument for collecting data and validated using expert review and pre-testing.
Results: The findings demonstrated that there is a significant and direct relationship between innovative behaviour and customer awareness, a significant and direct relationship between technological readiness and customer awareness, and a significant and direct relationship between customer awareness and E-wallet adoption. On the other hand, findings proved that customer awareness mediates the relationship between innovative behaviour and E-wallet adoption and technological readiness and E-wallet adoption. The results show that due to rising awareness related to benefits, E-wallet users are expected to grow if a direct experience with E-wallet impacts future behaviour.
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In-Text Citation: (AlRefai et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: AlRefai, Z. A., Muda, H., & Karim, F. (2022). E-wallet Adoption, Innovative Behaviour and Technology Readiness in Jordan: The Mediating Effect of Customer Awareness. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(9), 856– 877.