The mandatory giving of zakat is a central tenet of Islam. The wealth gap can be narrowed by the implementation of a system like zakat, which helps the poor. The collection of zakat, similar to income tax, may be maximised through efficient administration. This study attempts to explore the impact of Zakat distribution among Asnaf Orang Asli in Pahang State region in Malaysia. This study uses qualitative methods in collecting research data. Interviews were conducted with 5 research participants who have knowledge of zakat distribution in the state of Pahang, Malaysia. The findings of the study show that the distribution of zakat that is implemented has a very good impact among the asnaf, from the economic, social, spiritual and infrastructural aspects. findings also successfully prove that the distribution of zakat in the state of Pahang is given and distributed well according to the target group and has an impact as targeted by the authorities.
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In-Text Citation: (Jusoh et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Jusoh, M. K. A. bin, Mustapha, R., Mohamed, A., Azmi, F. Bin, & Hashim, A. Bin. (2022). An Exploration on the Impact of Zakat Distribution among Asnaf Orang Asli: A Study in the State of Pahang, Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(9), 839– 847.
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