International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Revalidation of Financial Well-being Scale: The Fuzzy Delphi Method

Open access

Muhammad Zainuddin Mohamed Azudin, Siti Syamira Mohd Ramli, Wan Nurashikin Mahmood, Nor Khairunnisa Mat Yunus, Noor Affeeda Ramli

Pages 819-829 Received: 11 Jul, 2022 Revised: 14 Aug, 2022 Published Online: 15 Sep, 2022
Financial well-being is the ability to satisfy one's requirements now and, in the future, to feel confident about the future, to enjoy one's life, and to deal with unexpected costs. Overall issues such as quality of life, retirement income, and future over-indebtedness necessitate a solid understanding of finance. Since the issue is worldwide and significant, measuring methods are required. The Fuzzy Delphi approach was used to obtain 10 experts from a Malaysian public university and banking industries utilising a 7 expert Likert scale. For data analysis, the Fuzzy Delphi approach Logic Software (FUDELO) was employed. The results demonstrate that the total expert consensus agreement surpasses 75%, the overall value of the threshold (d) is 0.2, and ?-cut is more than 0.5. Households must also be better able to moderate their spending habits and increase their saving habits in order to enhance their financial well-being.
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In-Text Citation: (Azudin et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Azudin, M. Z. M., Ramli, S. S. M., Mahmood, W. N., Yunus, N. K. M., & Ramli, N. A. (2022). Revalidation of Financial Well-being Scale: The Fuzzy Delphi Method. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(9), 819– 829.