International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Proposed Training Module on Gerontological Counselling in Preparing Volunteers to Work with the Elderly

Open access

Hapsah Md Yusof, Nurul Ain Mohd Daud, Norazani Ahmad, Fauziah Hanim Jalal, Fauziah Saad, Che Anuar Che Abdullah, Mohd Noor Idris

Pages 384-392 Received: 08 Jul, 2022 Revised: 11 Aug, 2022 Published Online: 04 Sep, 2022
Gerontological counselling is becoming the wave in the counselling profession in Malaysia. A growing population of elderly people in Malaysia will require not only counsellors but also volunteers who are well equipped with the counselling skills to work effectively with the elderly. A team of researchers have developed a training research module that based on gerontological counselling to prepare volunteers (who are not having counselling background) in providing more effective volunteering services toward elderly living in residential care. This study aims to develop a training module to enhance volunteers’ competence in working with elderly. This study adapted Myers’s work and ADDIE Model as a design for the study. It involves five phases of developing module namely analyse, design, develop, implement, and evaluate. The study proposed a training module that contains eight units including introduction to volunteer module based on gerontology counselling approach; introduction to volunteer services; understanding the clients; developing rapport and the therapeutic relationship; helping process; termination; helping skills for the special population; and keep up the good work! The training module on gerontological counselling for volunteers is expected to enhance the skills and competency of volunteers to work with elderly. In addition, the implications of the module for clinical practice are discussed.
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In-Text Citation: (Yusof et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Yusof, H. M., Daud, N. A. M., Ahmad, N., Jalal, F. H., Saad, F., Abdullah, C. A. C., & Idris, M. N. (2022). A Proposed Training Module on Gerontological Counselling in Preparing Volunteers to Work with the Elderly. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(9), 384– 392.