Employee turnover is one of the issues faced in most organizational throughout the world. It has positioned the organisation in a most critical situation especially for sustainability and competitiveness. Employee turnover trend has greatly increased in current working environment including government sector, banking sector, manufacturing sector and service sector. In Malaysia, turnover rate has started to increase in early 1991 due to high demand and more opportunities that exist in the market. This study attempted to approach factors influencing employee turnover among staff in financial institutions in Klang Valley Malaysia. Specifically, the study sought to access how poor working environments, poor salary and wages, job stress and job dissatisfaction influence employee turnover among the financial institutions in Klang Valley Malaysia. A quantitative approach was employed in this study. Data was collected from 373 respondents that is involved in this study through questionnaires and A Smart Partial Least Square (Smart-PLS) was used to analyse the data. The research revealed that poor working environment has the largest effect, whereas poor salary and wages has the smallest effect. The result also revealed that job stress and job dissatisfaction, both has the medium effect. Thus, this paper aims to explore factors contributing employee turnover among staff in Klang Valley, Malaysia and facilitating positive organisational behaviour in order to reduce the number of turnovers in the workplace.
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In-Text Citation: (Kadir et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Kadir, M. S. bin A., Abdullah, M. S. bin, & Aziz, A. binti. (2022). Decisive Factors Influencing Employee Turnover among Staff in Financial Institutions in Klang Valley Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(9), 239– 250.
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