International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Review of Board Level IT Governance: A Taxonomy to Inform the Quality of Financial Reports

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Financial reports are important documents that stakeholders never ignore, and Information Technology (IT) is utilized throughout firms to increase operation efficiency. However, prior researches studies Information Technology Governance (ITG) that relates to cybersecurity risks, thus, this paper takes step further to reviews board level ITG literature that is relevant to Corporate Governance (CG) and discuss how it impacts on the quality of financial reports. This paper systematically presents a taxonomy of research encompassing the focus areas: performance, cybersecurity losses, more accurate earnings forecasts, lower audit fees based upon prior studies in ITG over the period 2010-2020. The main finding is that results reveal a lack of board level ITG under CG research and a lack of the relation between board level ITG and financial results. Therefore, this paper discusses research perspectives and identify avenues for future research in last part, research perspectives and future research could focus on how to improve CG based on IT and the financial consequences of CG with IT.
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In-Text Citation: (Lai et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Lai, M., Basiruddin, R., & Menshawy, I. M. (2022). A Review of Board Level IT Governance: A Taxonomy to Inform the Quality of Financial Reports. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 1398– 1412.