This study is to propose a conceptual framework that can be used to measure the relationship between the operational and sociotechnical aspects of lean healthcare practices and sustainability among Malaysia’s private hospitals. Specifically, it investigates the mediating role of operational performance and the moderating role of safety climate. This study first reviews the literature on lean healthcare practices comprising operational and sociotechnical practices. Then, taking into account the literature on operational performance, safety climate and sustainability, a conceptual framework is established. Research hypotheses were developed based on the proposed conceptual model and review. Questionnaires have been developed through an exhaustive literature review and randomly distributed to 118 private hospitals in Malaysia, with an approximately 45 percent response rate. The data collected will be analyzed using SmartPLS 3.0. The expected results indicate that operational and sociotechnical aspects and operational performance will improve sustainability, showing that practitioners should take these elements seriously. The mediating role of operational performance in sustainability and moderating role of safety climate is also expected to be established. The study concludes with suggestions for future research. Future research should include longitudinal studies, and lean healthcare should be practiced over several years to ensure sustainability.
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In-Text Citation: (Anuar et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Anuar, A., Sadek, D. M., Kheng, L. K., Othman, N., & Nordin, N. A. (2022). Could A Conceptual Framework of Lean Healthcare, Safety Climate and Operational Performance Achieving Sustainability? International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(10), 1176– 1192.
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