This research aims to identify the influences of using Performance Self-Assessment Instrument, or Instrumen Penilaian Prestasi Kendiri (IPKK) on motivational encouragement for students’ learning. Before conducting this survey, the students had a chance to use IPKK for two different tests. The survey uses the Attention (A) – Relevance (R) – Confidence (C) – Satisfaction (S) Model of Motivation, or ARCS, which was pioneered by John M. Keller. This research is quantitative-based and uses questionnaires as the main instrument. Approximately 115 students from three different schools, specifically Tamil-type schools or Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil were chosen as purposive sample. They compared every item based on their experience, which is to say after and before using IPPK. The findings indicate that IPPK influenced the students’ motivational encouragement to control balancing emotions when mastering the national language. It piques their attention or desire to learn, supply appropriate knowledge, form self-confidence, and generate self-satisfaction. IPPK also derives motivation aspects like self-improvement through continuous training. They are also able to determine and set their target goals. The students are motivated to understanding the language better and also promotes individual achievement. IPPK ensures students have the potential to master the Malay language and not just to pass, but rather to practice the language in their daily life. Thus, IPPK can be used as a guide to build learning quality control that supports an individual’s holistic learning growth.
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In-Text Citation: (Subramaniam & Arumugam, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Subramaniam, V., & Arumugam, A. Das. (2022). Motivational Encouragement for Performance Self-Assesment Instrument in Mastering National Language Based on Keller’s Arcs Model. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(11), 1944– 1960.
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