International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Impact of East Coast Highway Development (LPT 2) on Socio-Economic Development Communities in the KETENGAH Region

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The development of LPT 2 aims to improve the standard of living of the people from economic, environmental, and social aspects. In addition to being a link and convenience between the cities, it also helps to open new job opportunities to the local community. This study aims to identify the impact of LPT 2 development on the socio-economic development and well-being of the KETENGAH region community. This study used a survey type design to determine community perception of migration and mobility, the impact of Covid-19 on income, entrepreneurship, and community well-being. A total of 1,771 households and a total of 239 entrepreneurs were involved as respondents to the survey which was randomly selected from 5 towns in the KETENGAH region namely Bandar Al Muktafi Billah Shah, Bandar Bukit Besi, Bandar Ketengah Jaya, Bandar Seri Bandi, Bandar Ceneh Baharu while the census method was used for entrepreneurs as the purpose of the study had to involve the whole entrepreneur in the KETENGAH region. The questionnaire used in this study is taken from the study of the prospects of municipal development KETENGAH because of the construction of LPT 2. The survey findings show that the data distribution for each target group is different for each development core. There are some cores that are quite dominant for households and there are also dominant cores for entrepreneurs for districts, towns, mukims and villages. However, the data shows that the community or population in the MIDDLE region has the potential and ability to meet the needs of all cores at different rates. Implications of the study on policymakers (government), private sector, industry, and entrepreneurs in realising the impact of LPT 2 development on the socio-economic of the country and the local community. Several study recommendations were also discussed for improvement.
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In-Text Citation: (Mat et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Mat, F., Sadan, H., Girip, M. F., Hussian, S. S. R., Ali, M., & Mahmud, M. I. (2022). The Impact of East Coast Highway Development (LPT 2) on Socio-Economic Development Communities in the KETENGAH Region. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(11), 1931– 1943.