The concept of halal and haram becomes an important focus for Muslims. It is grounded on the development of halal industry as well as the societal tendencies to be involved in activities that are categorized as halal. However what needs to be scrutinized about the concept of halal is that it’s the opposite of what is haram. This issue raised question on the status of halal in the cache of usul fiqh and fiqh. The justification is that a rough observation towards the statement shows that matters that are halal encompasses everything that is obligatory, recommendable, permissible and makruh, which is certainly opposite of what is haram. Therefore, a conceptual discussion on halal needs to be more detailed to ensure the activities are within the framework of shariah requirement. Thus, a library data-driven research or documents as well as inductive and deductive analysis method will analyze the exact concept of halal according to the framework of al-Quran, hadith and Islamic jurisprudence. The research found that halal can be divided into two categories which are absolute halal and non-absolute halal, which includes the status of makruh where the Muslim community is only advised to carry out the absolute halal, but there is ease in doing non-absolute halal activities. In conclusion, it is hope that this paper will offer directions for future research in halal study with the use of absolute and non-absolute halal framework provided.
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In-Text Citation: (Ali et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ali, M. A. M., Ariffin, M. F. M., Rosele, M. I., Hamid, M. F. A., & Noor, M. S. M. (2022). The Status of Makruh in The Halal Haram Framework: A Conceptual Analysis. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(11), 56– 64.
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