International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Effects of Procurement Procedures on Adoption of Procurement Manual for Schools and Colleges (2009) in Kenyan Secondary Schools: A Case Study of Gatanga Sub-County, Murang’a County, Kenya

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There has been quest for organized and standardized procurement procedures in our Kenyan schools. PPOA to this effect introduced procurement manual for schools and colleges (2009) as a customized version of procurement act (2005) specifically for schools and colleges in Kenya. However there was a problem on the adoption of this manual to secondary schools in Kenya. The researcher felt interested in finding out the degree of adoption of this manual in Kenyan schools, sampling Gatanga sub county, Murang’a County. The researcher sampled Gatanga Sub County among many others since it has a track record of ranking among the best in Constituency Development funds management. In this study, the researcher was also interested in finding out the effects of competence of various procurement committee members, procurement methods used and political interference on adopting procurement manual for schools and colleges (2009). Gatanga subcounty has a total of 34 secondary schools from which the researcher carried out his study in 11 schools sampled according to their category .There are three categories of schools in Gatanga .These are Boarding schools offering full boarding facilities for boys and girls or separate, the next is day schools which are the majority and the last is mixed day and boarding schools which give students choice of either boarding or being day scholars. The researcher handled 76 participants in the procurement process. They include the school bursars, Deputy Principals who chairs procurement committee meetings, various heads of departments, and a user department member preferably catering department. The researcher used stratified sampling technique for his data collection. He also used questionnaires and interviews tools of data collection. Data was collected by dropping the questionnaires in targeted schools and arrangements made on how they will be collected later for data collection, processing and analyzing.