Destination image has become one of the most popular topics in tourism research. Previous studies conducted literature reviews on destination image from different perspectives. Through a systematic literature review, one can understand the current status, knowledge structure and trends in the field of tourism destination image research. In this study, the Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) were used as data source, and VOSviewer was used to analyze the destination image research from 2002 to 2021. The researchers analyzed the year of publication, number of articles, highly cited documents, authors, and keywords in this field. The result shows: (1) The literature in the field of destination image is increasing; (2) The 11.7% of journals published 65.1% of the total number of articles; (3) “Tourism Management” is the leader of publications, followed by “Journal of Travel Research” and “Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing”;(4) According to the documents and citations, the United States of America is the leading country in this field, followed by Spain and China;(5) Several prolific authors concentrate a significant portion of the research;(6) The relationship between destination image and tourists’ satisfaction and behavior intention is the focus of current research. The study will provide destination image researchers with a reference guide to the context, methods and focus of previous studies.
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