International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Model for Global Leadership Development in Multinational Corporations (MNCs)

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This concept paper aims to provide a theory-based integrative framework for global leadership development in MNCs, which operate in intensively competitive and progressively expanding markets. Two key management theories and related published literature are extended to the contemporary field of global leadership to develop the proposed conceptual model. Accordingly, based on the transformational leadership theory, it is proposed that the global leadership competencies of high-potential employees in MNCs can be developed by line managers who manifest transformational leadership, which is a . Furthermore, it is suggested that this development of global leadership competencies in high-potentials occurs as a result of psychological empowerment experienced by the high-potential subordinates of transformational leaders, with the support of the psychological empowerment theory. The conceptual model based on the arguments proposed is presented in the paper. The paper's originality lies in the fact that two theoretical lenses not previously used in the context of global leadership development are used to propose a model for global leadership development in multinational corporations.
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