The increasing development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has spurred the growth of digital learning initiatives in Malaysia. However, despite the potential benefits of digital learning, many teachers still prefer traditional teaching methods. This study seeks to explore the attitudes of Malay language teachers towards digital learning, particularly in the context of teaching the Malay language. Using a quantitative approach with descriptive analysis, data was collected from 97 randomly selected Malay language teachers through a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire. The findings of the study reveal that Malay language teachers exhibit high levels of both affective and cognitive attitudes towards digital learning. Specifically, the mean level of affective attitude is recorded at 4.73 (SD=0.397), while the mean level of cognitive attitude is 4.63 (SD=0.41). These results indicate a positive disposition towards the integration of digital learning methods among Malay language teachers. The study's findings hold significant implications for key stakeholders, including the Ministry of Education (KPM) and teachers themselves. By recognizing and understanding the positive attitudes of Malay language teachers towards digital learning, educational institutions and policymakers can devise strategies to further support and promote the adoption of digital learning practices. Additionally, exploring the effectiveness of different professional development approaches in enhancing teachers' digital pedagogical practices and student outcomes could provide valuable insights for educational stakeholders. In conclusion, this study underscores the importance of considering teachers' attitudes towards digital learning in the context of Malay language education. By addressing the implications identified in this research, stakeholders can work towards fostering a supportive environment that promotes effective integration of digital technologies in teaching and learning practices.
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