International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Empirical Study of Impact of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Dimensions on Job Satisfaction among Administrative Staff of Osun State owned Tertiary Institutions, Nigeria

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This study investigated the impact of organizational citizenship behavior dimensions on job satisfaction among academic staff in Osun State owned tertiary institutions. Structured questionnaire was used to collect data from 80 respondents through simple random sampling method. Multiple regression was used to analyze the data collected in order to determine the impact of independent variables OCB dimensions on dependent variables (JS). Result revealed that Organizational Citizenship Behaviors dimensions have significant impact on job satisfaction. The study also revealed that Civic virtue and Sportsmanship of OCB respectively have high beta score than other factors with job satisfaction. It was concluded that predictor variables namely (Altruism, Courtesy, Sportsmanship, Civic virtue and General compliance) is 86.9% variance of job satisfaction. Therefore, paper recommended that all Osun State owned tertiary institutions should enhance the level of Organizational Citizenship Behaviors by investing on acceptable OCB, because if it is higher, job satisfaction and institutions’ productivity will improve accordingly.