This study explores counselling techniques that are important for the advancement of online counseling, addressing a significant research gap in counselors' experiences with this medium. Using a qualitative approach in Klang Valley, Malaysia, the researchers engaged five LKM-certified counselors through convenience sampling. Interpretative phenomenological analysis identified three main themes: (a) positive experiences, (b) encountered challenges, and (c)preferred methods. The findings revealed online counseling's flexibility compared to traditional methods but highlighted limited resources as a drawback. Therapists must adapt their skills for effective online sessions, differing from face-to-face interactions. The study's findings suggested that therapists must alter their skills and approaches in online counselling that differ from those employed in the usual face-to-face counselling process to strengthen their therapeutic sessions. The study suggests further research to focus on counselors' experiences in online therapy, including language use and ethical considerations. Future studies could also include client perspectives to enrich understanding in online counselling.
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