International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Impact of Strategic Management Application on Entrepreneurial Orientation in Five-Star Hotels in Jordan

Open access
The study aimed to investigate the impact of implementing strategic management in five-star hotels in Jordan. This was done through environmental scanning and analysis, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, evaluation, and control of the entrepreneurial direction. The study used a descriptive and analytical approach to measure the impact of strategic management on entrepreneurial orientation and an analytical method to measure the relationship between the dimensions of the two variables. The study targeted five-star hotels in Jordan, and a representative sample of 230 respondents, including general managers, quality and operations, human resources, and others relevant to strategic planning and implementation, was selected according to the sampling table and concluded that there is a positive and strong effect between strategic management and entrepreneurial orientation, as well as a positive effect of the sub-variables represented by environmental analysis, formulation, application, and then strategic evaluation and control on entrepreneurial orientation. The study contributes to the scientific library by enriching the scarce literature on this topic. It also provides practical contributions and important recommendations to the hotels included in the study. Furthermore, the study recommended further research on strategic planning and entrepreneurial orientation.
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(Al-Aqrabawi, 2024)
Al-Aqrabawi, R. (2024). The Impact of Strategic Management Application on Entrepreneurial Orientation in Five-Star Hotels in Jordan. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(6), 1390–1399.