International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Challenges of the Halal Beauty and Wellness Industry Development in Malaysia

Open access

Muhammad Hafeez Zakaria, Ratna Roshida Ab. Razak, Mohammad Nidzam Abdul Kadir, Mohd. Mahadee Ismail

Pages 1317-1324 Received: 18 Apr, 2024 Revised: 20 May, 2024 Published Online: 24 Jun, 2024
The Increased knowledge, education, and understanding of the halal needs and rights of Muslim consumers around the world have brought awareness and demand for halal products not only for food but also for non-food products. Muslim consumers today are concerned with non-food products such as health, beauty, tourism, clothing, finance, home appliances, and logistics that are halal according to Islamic rules. Therefore, this study was conducted to focus on identifying the challenges of developing the halal beauty and health industry in Malaysia. The development of the halal beauty and health industry is faced with competition between Halal and Non-halal beauty and health products in the market. The growth potential of the Halal beauty and wellness industry is found to encourage manufacturers and distributors to race to apply for Halal certification for beauty and health standards. However, factories and distributors of halal cosmetics and health products face the challenge of implementing the rules set by JAKIM to obtain Halal certification. In addition, the increased level of awareness among Muslims to choose beauty and health products that have a Halal logo shows customers' trust in products that have Halal certification as clean and pure without any misgivings from their users. Customers' trust in Halal beauty and health products will affect factories and distributors to implement Halal certification standards. However, if the operators of these products do not comply with the halal standards set, then consumer trust in halal beauty and health products produced in Malaysia will be affected. Therefore, government intervention through regulatory policies and the development of halal products is seen as important to indirectly influence the actions taken by factories, distributors, and consumers of halal beauty and health products.
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(Zakaria et al., 2024)
Zakaria, M. H., Razak, R. R. A., Kadir, M. N. A., & Ismail, M. M. (2024). The Challenges of the Halal Beauty and Wellness Industry Development in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(6), 1317–1324.