Students' academic progress and satisfaction are greatly impacted by their experiences in the classroom. Among the experiences include how the students perceive their teachers' ability to engage with them, conduct the teaching, and motivate the students to learn. The objective of this study is to investigate the views of teaching towards lecturers, particularly physics subjects in higher institutions from the students’ perspectives. Understanding the views of learners of teaching practices is critical for improving teaching effectiveness and overall learning experiences in higher education institutions. The study utilizes quantitative data through surveys. A total of 136 students of Foundation in Science and Foundation in Engineering from the Centre of Foundation Studies, UiTM Cawangan Selangor Kampus Dengkil participated in the survey. This study provided various key insights into students' perceptions of their physics lecturers' teaching approaches, as well as the linkages between different teaching viewpoints and potential gender inequalities. These findings offer useful insights for educators looking to improve their teaching techniques, either in their instructional methods or engagement strategies. Apart from that, this research also helps to establish evidence-based solutions for improving teaching effectiveness, increasing student engagement, and hopefully raising educational quality in higher education institutions.
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