International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Framework of Incentives on Worker’s Performance among Academician in Nigerian Polytechnics

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This article aimed to review a framework of incentives on workers performance among academicians in Nigerian polytechnics. The article examined incentives and employees’ performance in service industry in north east state polytechnics in Nigeria. Incentive builds engagement among employees to encourage teamwork boost morale and motivation. Employees are selected from six polytechnics state polytechnics service industries make up the population of the study. Using random sampling selection method, 301 academicians were drawn from six service industries to participate in the study. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used in the analysis of data using SPSS version 23. The study found that financial and non-financial incentives significantly affect employee performance. The study conclude that incentives drive employee performance, and boosts organizational productivity. The study thus argue that enhanced performance of employees is achievable through incentives, and that incentives significantly influence the performance of employees; and recommends that management of service industries that seek improved employee performance should design methods for allocating financial and non-financial incentives to employees in order to boost their commitment to the service industries. And further researchers should research in manufacturing companies in northern part of Nigeria.
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