International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Effect of Organizational Climate on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB): A Study on A Private Company in Malaysia

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Malaysia's economic growth has intensified competition, necessitating the productivity of employees. Research consistently shows that fostering a positive work environment promotes organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), a critical factor in enhancing organizational productivity and efficiency. Despite the growing emphasis on cultivating a positive work environment in Malaysia, there is still a need for comprehensive research on the relationship between organizational climate and OCB within this context. This study, which adopts a survey-based quantitative research design, aims to explore the relationship between organizational climate and OCB among private-sector workers in Malaysia. The study involves 94 respondents from Malaysia's private sector. The analysis reveals a high level of altruism but a moderate level of sportsmanship and civic virtue among Malaysian private-sector employees. Many respondents exhibit high and low courtesy and moderate and low conscientiousness. A low level of organizational climate highlights communication and leadership issues, with a moderately positive relationship between organizational climate and OCB. In conclusion, the findings underscore the importance of creating a positive work environment with supportive leadership, clear communication, and opportunities for engagement. Addressing the identified areas for improvement will empower employees to demonstrate higher OCB levels, thereby boosting organizational success and contributing to the overall well-being of the workforce.
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