International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Moderating Role of Firm Size on Development of Cross-Border E-Commerce for Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises in Jiangxi, China

Open access
One of the many different types of e-commerce is known as cross-border e-commerce. The practice of cross-border e-commerce allows for the spread of e-commerce into global marketplaces. The field of electronic commerce, also known as e-commerce, has experienced substantial growth within the last decade due to the quick advancements in technology and the broad accessibility of high-speed internet to individuals worldwide. The purpose of this study is to evaluate Moderating rule of Firm Size on Development of Cross-border E-commerce for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Jiangxi, China. The researcher employed three theories which are Technology acceptance model which emphasize on influence on an individual's inclination to adopt and utilize novel technologies, Theory of planned behavior which comprehend and predict how people will act in a range of situations and lastly Unified Theory of Adoption and Use of Technology which was designed to understand and predict how users will adopt and use information technology. Researcher uses a combination of stratified and simple random sampling technique to sample SME owners/operators, government officials, and staff. SPSS will be utilized in analyzing the quantitative and qualitative. Where by quantitative analysis will involve the descriptive analysis through computed mean, median, standard deviations and frequency distribution, and also inferential statistics will include correlation and regression analysis.
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