The National Identification Number (NIN) is a unique number assigned to every Nigerian and legal resident of the country. A robust identity management system is crucial for delivering social and economic services effectively. This study evaluated the operational effectiveness of the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) and provided recommendations for improvement. Data was collected using a self-administered survey and open-ended interviews. Seventy-two participants responded to the survey, while ten individuals, including both NIMC staff and clients, were interviewed. The survey responses were analyzed using statistical tools. Results indicated widespread dissatisfaction with the current operational state and effectiveness of the NIMC. Key challenges identified included bribery, corruption, and inefficient bureaucracy. To address these issues, the study recommends reorienting NIMC staff in client management, enhancing collaboration with the National Population Commission (NPC) and the National Electoral Commission (NIEC) for data synergy, and adopting up-to-date digital technology for identity enrollment and management amongst others. However, it was also recommended that further studies in this area can explore digital technologies NIMC can adopt for identity management to reduce inefficiencies in its operations.
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