Importance: In the context of globalization and intensifying global competition, organizations must develop strategies to enhance supply chain agility in rapidly evolving markets. Dynamic capabilities theory (DCT) provides a framework for these strategies by emphasizing the importance of the abilities to sense, seize, reconfigure, learn, and integrate.
Purpose This study investigates the impact of dynamic capabilities (sensing, seizing, reconfiguring, learning and integration) on the components of supply chain agility (flexibility, responsiveness, speed, and competency) specifically within the services sector.
Methodology: Using a descriptive analytical approach and employing SPSS 29 for data analysis, this research involved 86 managers from senior and middle management in service organizations across Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar.
Findings: The findings indicate that organizational managers place high importance on both dynamic capabilities and supply chain agility. Moreover, the study found a significant positive impact of dynamic capabilities on supply chain agility.
Recommendation: The study recommends several strategies for organizations to enhance their supply chain agility: investing in advanced data analysis and monitoring systems, fostering a culture of innovation and continuous learning, strengthening cooperation between internal departments and external partners, simplifying processes and implementing automation technologies, providing targeted personnel training, and promoting a culture of continuous improvement.
Future Research Directions: Future research should invistegate the long-term impacts of dynamic capabilities on supply chain agility in other sectors and regions, and study the role of emerging technologies in enhancing these capabilities.
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