Achieving the quality of Islamic educational institutions, especially madrasahs in Indonesia, requires strong instruments, especially quality culture. Building a culture of quality and academic services in madrasah is expected to strengthen excellence with other educational institutions. Unfortunately, not all madrasahs have a focus on creating a culture of quality and academic services in both urban and rural areas. The study of quality culture and academic services has been widely studied at the university level, but not much studied in madrassas so that is the motivation for this research. The research purpose is to analyze the influence of quality culture on academic services in urban madrasahs. The research method uses quantitative with a survey approach. The research location at Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Darul Irfan, Serang City of Banten Province. Sampling using purposive techniques on students. The primary data was sourced from interviews and observations, while the secondary data were from literature studies and documentation. Data analysis techniques use correlation tests to find the strength of influence between variables. The research results showed a positive and quite strong influence between academic services on the quality culture of private madrasah in urban areas. The research implication is that better academic services will strengthen the quality culture of the madrasah.
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