International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Intertextuality with Folk Proverbs in Naguib Mahfouz's Novel “Cairo Modern”

Open access

Mohd Azizul Rahman bin Zabidin, Ebrahim Mohammad Ahmad Eldesoky, Ashraf Hasan Muhammad Hasan, Lubna Abdul Rahman, Nashwa Mohamed Mohamed Elsayed, Abdul Ghani bin Md Din

Pages 7-15 Received: 03 Mar, 2024 Revised: 04 Apr, 2024 Published Online: 05 May, 2024
This research explores the theme of intertextuality in Naguib Mahfouz's novel "Cairo Modern," considering it a mechanism within the creative processes discussed by postmodern-era critics. This study aims to examine instances of intertextuality with folk proverbs in the aforementioned novel. The significance of this research lies in highlighting the role of the eminent author Naguib Mahfouz in the literary field. It showcases his ability to draw from other texts through citation, absorption, or transformation to create his artistic material. This, in turn, enriches the novel both in form and substance. The research adopts a descriptive-analytical approach, theoretically explaining the phenomenon of intertextuality. In terms of analysis and application, it focuses on highlighting the model of intertextuality with folk proverbs. The study explores its objective and artistic functions, elucidates the reasons for its use, and justifies its citation by the author or one of the characters. Consequently, it connects this intertextuality with the narrative context to enhance the fictional events or the emotional states of the characters, contributing to the overall narrative structure and rhythm. The research concludes with several key findings, notably that intertextuality with folk proverbs has a significant presence in the novel "Cairo Modern," showcasing Naguib Mahfouz's adeptness in handling this phenomenon. The research asserts that the novelist does not evoke these proverbs merely for embellishment, decor, or a display of poetic capabilities. Instead, he employs them for a purpose he deems essential to deepen his ideas and crystallize his vision on a particular issue, aligning harmoniously with the artistic or stylistic structure of his novels.
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