International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Role of Context in Distinguishing Between Al-Haqiqah and Al-Majaz

Open access

Ebrahim Mohammed Ahmad Eldesoky, Ashraf Hassan Mohamed Hassan, Mohd Azizul Rahman bin Zabidin

Pages 1-6 Received: 02 Mar, 2024 Revised: 02 Apr, 2024 Published Online: 01 May, 2024
This study delves into the role of context in delineating "Al-Haqiqah" (literal meaning) and "Al-Majaz" (metaphorical meaning). It aims to clarify the precise definitions of these concepts and challenges assertions by some Arabic scholars suggesting that language is strictly literal, devoid of metaphor, versus the argument positing that language is entirely metaphorical, devoid of "Al-Haqiqah." Embracing a descriptive-analytical approach, the research meticulously defines "Al-Haqiqah" and "Al-Majaz" linguistically. It employs numerous linguistic examples in Arabic to illustrate the differentiation between these concepts, emphasizing the role of both situational and linguistic contexts. Organized into three sections, the study examines the concepts of "Al-Haqiqah" and "Al-Majaz," explores situational context's role, and analyzes linguistic context's impact. Key findings emphasize the association of "Al-Haqiqah" with meaning and clarity, highlight the importance of linguistic and situational relationships in evaluating metaphorical statements, and underscore the significant role of both contexts in establishing boundaries between "Al-Haqiqah" and "Al-Majaz."
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