In the midst of covid 19 endemic, educators all over the world realized that learning can be achieved everywhere via E-learning. In this study, the researchers investigated students’ perceptions of E-learning and face-to-face learning by performing qualitative and quantitative studies that involved 311 students from public and private universities in Malaysia and State Islamic University Imam Bonjol of Padang, Indonesia. The objectives were to investigate and analyse students’ perceptions of learner preferences, performance, study load, interactivity, and obstacles in E-learning and face-to-face learning. Findings disclosed that students demonstrated different perceptions and learning experiences. Most of the respondents indicated that they often experienced poor internet signal quality as the dominant factor especially those living in rural areas. In the interview, some students shared that they prefer a mix of face-to-face classes and a few online meetings. They also shared that their interest in online learning seemed to decrease and they appreciate face-to-face learning more. It was also disclosed that instructors are advised to be more creative and strengthen themselves with more advanced IT skills. As for the instructors, online instruction was a time-consuming resource and caused a work-life imbalance which not only impacts their families but also their social relations.
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In-Text Citation: (Arumugam et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Arumugam, N., Ibrahim, I. W., Hadeli, H., & Nasharudin, S. N. S. (2022). Students’ Perceptions on E-Learning and Face-To-Face Learning: A Comparative Analysis of E-Learning and Face-To-Face Learning among University Students in Malaysia and Indonesia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(12), 2699– 2713.
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