International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Analyzing the Role of Waqf and Zakat in the Economy through a Case Study of Agricultural and Livestock Projects

Open access

Siti Nadiah Mohd Ali, Salbiah Mokhtar, Huraizah Arshad, Nurul Sahida Fauzi, Nurulanis Ahmad@Mohamed

Pages 2575-2583 Received: 19 Oct, 2022 Revised: 21 Nov, 2022 Published Online: 22 Dec, 2022
Waqf and zakat are two welfare instruments in Islamic finance that are discussed in this article, along with their impact on the agricultural and livestock industries. Developing agricultural and commercial projects for asnaf requires the management competence of the State Islamic Religious Council (SIRC) to advance the integration of waqf and zakat within the context of agriculture and animal husbandry. SIRC is aware that the asnaf are a population that requires assistance in both the economic and social spheres, and as such, it has a responsibility to create projects that are both long-term and competitive in order to help the asnaf achieve economic and social autonomy. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach. XYZ SIRC's agricultural and livestock project management was investigated by interviewing five insiders. The research indicates that SIRC XYZ has created two waqf integration projects centred around farming and livestock. The integration project, which is the product of meticulous resource management, is a shining example of the synergy between waqf and zakat administration. In addition, the research confirms that waqf and zakat, when administered in a strategic and methodical fashion, are the most efficient economic financial instruments based on the promotion of welfare. An efficient use of resources is to develop waqf land with zakat funds. Waqf and zakat projects, on the other hand, can use sustainable revenue-generating projects to offset the costs of their creation.
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