Palliative care has identified the need for integrated components of comprehensive, intensive care for all critically ill patients concerning patient prognosis and family welfare. Critical care nurses are essential in increasing application systems integration, including decision-making with family members regarding care goals. The objectives are to determine the frequency of nurses' participation in palliative care (PC) and to identify the barriers nurses perceive to their involvement in palliative care. Convenience sampling was conducted, samples from 157 nurses working in the critical care unit at the public hospital using a self-administered questionnaire. The findings reflect the deep desire of critical care nurses to be involved in palliative care in ICUs in this part of the world. It will help to strengthen the practice of multidisciplinary PC treatment in the Critical Care Unit. The result of the study is intended to be shared knowledge that will lead to changes in the treatment of dying in all of these countries.
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In-Text Citation: (Wahab et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Wahab, S. M. A., Wahab, S. N. L. M. A., Zain, S. N. L. M., Sham, F., Kasim, M. M., Zaki, M. A. A., Latif, R. A., Norasma Bakaryly Mat Zain, Fatimah Sham, Mazriyana Md Kasim, M. A. A. Z., Latif, R. A., & Bakar, N. (2022). Critical Care Nurses’ Involvement and Barriers in Palliative Care. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(12), 2603– 2615.
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