International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Antecedents of Financial Literacy and The Impact on SMEs’ Performance: A Conceptual Paper

Open access

Nurul Huda Mustafa, Rosmaria Jaffar, Noor Fadzlina Mohd Fadhil, Shahida Shaharuddin, Siti Mariana Taliyang

Pages 2540-2551 Received: 19 Oct, 2022 Revised: 21 Nov, 2022 Published Online: 22 Dec, 2022
The aim of this study is to examine the level of expertise, training, and financial literacy of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) business managers and its impact on firm’s performance. Most of the research in this area has been conducted outside Malaysia. Thus, there is a need to validate the financial literacy and SMEs performance relationship in the Malaysian environment due to the differences in culture, ways of thinking, legal and political situations. These differences lead to different responses, which might contribute to the different effect of financial literacy on SMEs performance. A questionnaire survey will be distributed among SMEs owners in Malaysia’s manufacturing industry. It is hoped that the information provided in this study may improve the consistency of the existing evidence on SMEs performance by providing a deeper understanding on the relationship and expands the scope of the resource-based view theory and resource dependence theory from the perspective of SMEs.
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