International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Mean Differences in Student Dimension, Technology Characteristic, Instructor Characteristic Based on Demography Factors

Open access
he worldwide COVID 19 epidemic that occurred in 2019 had a huge impact on everyone's lives. Nearly all sectors and industries have experienced a substantial impact as a result of the pandemic. The Movement Control Order was put into effect by the government in March 2020, which caused a disruption in people's routines. Higher education is one of the industries that have undergone significant overall change. The teaching and learning process continues throughout MCO, shifting from in-person instruction to online distant learning (ODL). Regardless of demographic differences, family economic circumstances, or unsuitable and uncomfortable learning conditions at home, all students are compelled to participate in ODL learning sessions. Examining the variations in student dimensions, technology characteristics, and instructor characteristics based on demographic factors is the main objective of this work. Gender, the student's current location (campus or hometown), the area (urban or rural), and the student's response to the question "Do you have a proper study area?" are all examples of demographic factors. The study's findings show that the area for instructor characteristic satisfaction score and respondents' gender only differ by a statistically significant result. Gender, respondent area, and study area conditions all varied significantly in terms of the student dimension satisfaction score. The technology characteristic satisfaction score did not show any notable variations for any of the categories.
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In-Text Citation: (Ahmad et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ahmad, N., Mohammad, N. H., & Zulkipli, F. (2022). Mean Differences in Student Dimension, Technology Characteristic, Instructor Characteristic Based on Demography Factors. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(12), 2571– 2577.