International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Apostasy Factors among Malaysian Students Abroad: A Case Study

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This article discusses a case study on the issue of apostasy among Malaysian students studying abroad. This article explains how the student's life traveled until his apostasy. The objective of this study is to explore the journey of how apostates occur among students who are abroad. The methodology of this study uses a qualitative approach that is to use case studies. The use of Snowball Sampling was used in this study focusing on a respondent who is a student who is abroad who has characteristics related to apostasy issues. The chosen respondent was a male student studying at a University in the United States. Analysis of the data obtained as a result of the respondents showed that there is a cultural shock to students, there is no right place of dependence when abroad, influenced by non-Muslim partners and lack of knowledge related to aqidah. These factors can be used to help preachers formulate effective strategies and approaches to help this special population either at the level protection, prevention or rehabilitation.
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