International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Factors That Influence Information Security Behaviour of Home User

Open access
Pandemic Covid-19 situation has enforced most companies imposes their staff to work from home basis as mode of operational. Due to that the number of home computer users is increasing faster than ever. This scenario indirectly highlighted home users' information security as an important field to be investigated. This is not only a matter of securing home users' personal and work information, but also because internet users who access from home provide an ideal breeding ground for security hackers targeting organisations and individuals. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the factors that influence the information security behaviour of home user. As for this study, 201 respondents among employees in an ICT agency are being analyzed using quantitative approach through the online survey questionnaires. From the findings, it has been concluded that the perceived severity, perceived susceptibility, response efficacy, cues to action and perceived benefit has been identified as the factors that influenced the information security behaviour of home users. Perceived severity was found to be the factor that influenced how users react to implement or not the security safety measures while accessing information. Although respondents do not feel they are possible targets for security threats, they recognize that the result of a security breach would have a significant impact on them. It might be irrational to suppose, that any security experience, knowledge or history background by individuals is the way they act at home. It is therefore hoped to see policy makers or authorised bodies design and implement security awareness campaigns and programs so that users are effectively informed about threats and the skills they can use to mitigate security threats and thereby improve the security climate of users. Where the majority of IS research based on behavioral IS within an organizational framework, "security of home users" demands greater attention from researchers in order to provide an improve analysis and proper practice on home user’s security behavior.
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