International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


A Systematic Literature Review on Factors of Religious Tolerance among Multi-Religion Community

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“For You is Your Religion; For Me is My Religion”. Based on one of the Al-Quran verse, one's religion cannot be forced to follow. In fact it is the freedom of the right of every individual to choose a religion freely. In the above verse is contained the meaning of being fanatical towards our own religion and tolerance towards other religions. Differences in religion have a major impact on community tolerance. This systematic review article present what are the factors of religious tolerance that help people from different religion to unite in the same community. The methodology used in this systematic literature review are guided by Preferred Items for Systematic reviews and Meta- Analysis guideline. 7 article from Scopus as main database was selected through the process of identification, screening, eligibility and inclusion exclusion process. Five main theme are found as a result which level of religious behaviours, openness, governance, economy and culture. The analysis on factors of religious tolerance also found that focus is given more on governance and openness compare to other factors.
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