International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


Studying the Effect of Privatization on Employees’ Job Satisfaction in Communication Center (A Case Study in Kerman (Iran) Province)

Open access
“Privatization” is one element of dynamic economics and also a factor of economic development in the world developed countries. Privatization is the process of leaving priorities in hands of their market and commercialism mechanism and it includes an expanded spectrum for which perfect privatization is in one side and restructuring governmental agencies is in other hand.
The main purpose of this research is studying the effect of privatization on employees’ job satisfaction in Telecommunication Company (Kerman case study. Statistical society of the research includes all Kerman telecommunications’ employees from which 262 people are selected by random sampling method proportionate to society size and using Cochrane formulation. Data collection instruments of the research are two questionnaires of privatization and job satisfaction. Validity and reliability are accounted 0.78 and 0.97 for privatization questionnaire and 0.76 and 0.94 for job satisfaction questionnaire respectively. In order to describe and analyze collected data by questionnaires, different kinds of abundance distribution table, curves, average and middle, bi variant Kai independence test were used and all statistical analyses were done by computer and SPSS software. Results show that:
Increasing degrees of privatization that includes cultural, institutional, structural, managerial and executive components raises degrees of job satisfaction. So there is a direct meaningful relationship between two variables. As results show there is a meaningful relationship between privatization and components of job satisfaction (wage and salary, promotions, co-workers communication, directory style and job nature) in Kerman Telecommunication Company. In this regard increasing privatization rate raises job satisfaction rate. So managers are suggested to provide requirements of perfect privatization in this company to increase job satisfaction.