International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences


The Theoretical Framework for Enhancing the Level of Islamic Educational Values in the Islamic Education Textbook for the Sixth Grade of Basic Education in Libya as Realized by the Educational Inspection

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The study aimed to determine the level of Islamic educational values in the Islamic education textbook for the sixth grade of basic education in Libya from the point of view of educational inspection based on Ibn Khaldun's educational theory. To achieve the objectives of the study and to answer the problem of the study, the researcher followed the mixed approach, which includes content analysis for the academic year 2020–2021. The aim of this paper is to discuss the demographics of the inspectors in the Islamic education material. For analysing the demographic characteristics of the study sample from the Islamic Education textbook for the sixth grade of basic education in Libya, 21 questionnaires were distributed to the inspectors of the Islamic education material in the municipality of Az Zawiyah. The sample size was calculated and the required analyses were conducted using the appropriate analysis tools, IBM SPSS v.23, and the results showed the validity and reliability of the sample at 0.929%, which is a high validity coefficient through which we can trust the tool. The results of the study showed a normal distribution test for the axes of the study; therefore, the data was appropriate for the study well in relation to the study sample. The values of the skewness scale and the values of the kurtosis scale for all the axes of the study are at the normal level, and this indicates that all values follow the normal distribution to a sufficient degree to achieve the objectives of the study. The values of the kurtosis scale, and in this framework, the expected results of the study are to know the number of repetitions, and through these repetitions, it is easy for the educational inspection to determine the level of educational values in the Islamic education textbook for the sixth grade of basic education in Libya and compare them with the education theories.
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